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How to Coach (豆瓣)
来自 : 豆瓣读书 发布时间:2021-03-24

Great managers do more than manage their teams. They coach their teams to top performance. They help everyone get better at what they do, improving productivity, boosting motivation and sharing knowledge and expertise.How to Coach is the essential book for all managers and leaders. It shows you how you can raise both your own performance and that of your team through well-structured, effective coaching that delivers impressive results. In How to Coach: Coaching Yourself and Your Team to Success you’ll discover how to: Get the best from your team by making them feel valued, motivated and focussed on success Get the best from yourself by always playing to your strengths Solve the day-to-day problems that all managers face Develop successful coaching discussions for yourself and your team Avoid the typical traps of traditional coaching Deal with other people, politics and your peers

2013年3月28日They coach their teams to top performance. They help everyone get better ...a partner at Accenture and has worked across the world in most industries...How to Coach,Owen, Jo,2013-3-28,简介,作者,书评,论坛,推荐,二手图书How to Coach 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐How to Coach (豆瓣)

本文链接: http://coachindustries.immuno-online.com/view-687220.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)